
© Senckenberg Naturmuseum, Foto: Sven Tränkner

Fassade mit Eingangsbereich zum Altbau des Senckenberg Naturmuseum mit Bäumen an den Seiten und Skulpturen auf dem Dach

Raumansicht Korallenriff © Senckenberg Naturmuseum, Foto: Sven Tränkner

Ausstellungsvitrine im Senckenberg Naturmuseums mit einem von der Decke hängenden Rochen

Senckenberg Naturmuseum


Senckenberg remodels its exhibition concepts in Frankfurt and extents the museum space.

The Senckenberg Naturmuseum Frankfurt is expanding. A chance for further expansion comes with the departure of Frankfurt University from the Bockenheim Campus: former university premises next-door to the museum freed up for use by Senckenberg. The exposition area will almost be doubled: from 6,000 to approximately 10,000 square meters. A new, integrated museum concept is being developed to present four thematic areas: Cosmos – Earth – People – Future. In addition, the museum’s expansion entails the construction of a planetarium in the “Cosmos” section. It offers seating for 150 visitors, who will be presented with all new impressions from our and other distant solar systems.

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