
Außenansicht © Weltkulturen Museum, Foto: Wolfgang Günzel

Die Gebäude (Altbau-Villen) des Weltkulturen Museums von der gegenüberliegenden Straßenseite fotografiert und parkenden Autos davor

Ausstellungsansicht "Weltenbewegend" © Weltkulturen Museum, Foto: Wolfgang Günzel

Zwei Wandteppiche mit verschiedenen Mustern in Vitrine (Vordergrund) und vier an der Wand (Hintergrund) in einer Ausstellung im Weltkulturen Museum

Weltkulturen Museum

Branch in the Banking District

The museum branch will have around 500 square meters of exhibition space on the second floor of the historic old building of the “Neue Mainzer Straße” high-rise project.

This gives the Weltkulturen Museum the opportunity to present its collection on a larger scale than before. In total, this includes around 65,000 ethnographic objects from Oceania, Africa, Southeast Asia and North, Central, and South America. Due to space and technical limitations, only a fraction of these have so far been exhibited in the three main buildings on Schaumainkai. The museum use of Neue Mainzer Straße 57-59 runs rent-free for 15 years and is secured by an easement in favor of the City and noted in the land register. A positive building application has already been received for Helaba's high-rise project. The high-rise is expected to be completed in 2028.

With the future branch of the Weltkulturen Museum in Frankfurt's banking district, another important building for the emerging culture mile along the historic ramparts will be set: starting from the Jewish Museum, via the municipal stages, the English Theater and Tower MMK to the Old Opera an inner-city cultural offer that is to be developed continuously.

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