
i ain't from no east coast © Verdiana Albano

Enlarge image: Fotografie, auf der eine schwarzgekleidete Frau in einer kargen Landschaft ein dunkelrotes Tuch in den Händen hält

In/visible - GENERATIONS

9 March - 22 June 2025
Haus der Stadtgeschichte Offenbach am Main

What is racism? What is the history of racism in our society? What does racism mean for people affected by it and for us as a society? The special exhibition in the House of City History, a historic building, a former snuff factory, approaches the topic of racism from various perspectives.

There will be various theme islands that shed light on the close interrelationships between history, society and economy - from colonial history to identities and places of remembrance to collective remembrance. The exhibition invites you to look, listen, reflect and also give hope. In addition to historical objects from the museum and city archives' collection, the exhibition also shows artistic positions that emerged in workshops with the Offenbach Children's and Youth Parliament (KJP). In addition, three artists from Offenbach, Berlin and Oslo were invited to show their work as part of the special exhibition.

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Haus der Stadtgeschichte Offenbach am Main
Herrnstraße 61
63065 Offenbach

+49 (0)69 8065 2446

S: 1, 2, 8, 9 (Marktplatz) Bus: 41, 103, 104, 108, 120, 551 (Rathaus)
TUES, WED, FRI 1 pm – 6 pm
THUR 2 pm – 9 pm
SAT, SUN 11 am – 6 pm

largely barrier-free

Restricted toilet wheelchair accessible

Free admission for children and young persons under 18

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